To make a choice to mature emotionally –

To mature emotionally is a process that one has to initiate. It does not happen automatically, like physical maturity. Since we are enjoying a faculty of choice; we have to choose to mature emotionally. One will not mature emotionally without making a choice. The choice made to mature emotionally is intelligent choice. 

This faculty to choose is so powerful that we seek some ends as the ultimate end - to be happy. We select to be secure and perform in line with our understanding of security. This security we see in different point of views. Some time we go for emotional security, some time we go for social and economical security. We go for a secure relationship, recognition, power etc… Accomplishing which we feel totally secure. We select to have pleasures and hence go for sensory pleasure, intellectual pleasure etc… Some time we look for a form of satisfaction emerging out of harmony, pleasure derived out of helping and sharing some one in need. It is some time looking for discovering joy in once work. It is the result of inner growth, which comes by education and once culture.

If the person is not cultured and not educated what kind of joy he can expect to have from life? They can enjoy only sensory pleasure and nothing else, they represents an instinctive life. Thus the gain in life is commensurate with what one knows. More he knows brighter the life! He can’t see more than what he knows, which implies lots of understanding.

If we enjoy what we do, life is very simple. If we do not enjoy what we do, then we have to do some thing, which may prove to be expensive. Any satisfaction has to come from ones process of emotional maturity; it is a different type of joy, which is doing the right thing at right time. It is just doing what is to be done - joy of doing what is to be done. It is enough to know that as we grow in our understanding our satisfaction also grows.


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