Dancing in the rain!

If you would like to lead a life free of indecision, uncertainty, confusion, anxiety, stress and fear…then sign-in to our interactive one-on-one (in person or online) coaching and mentoring sessions – “Dancing in the rain”

When it rains, we have had our own reservation to dance in the rain. Some may have one or more than one reasons. These reservations put us down. Some reasons have been hidden, buried and undetected for years. Each reason or excuse intrudes into our lives. Some are the thoughts of self-doubt, self-criticism and so on. These reasons have been manifesting since years. Some are related to our personal, few are related to family and few are related to professional life. Unfortunately, some excuses come with us regardless of where we go and let us not allow dancing in the rain. 

These excuses, reactions or reasons manifest in the form of fear, anxiety, stress or inhibition. Few come in the form of hurt or guilt. They appear unannounced and occupy key place in our lives; usually at the most inappropriate time. Presences of these reasons in the form of thoughts successfully destroy our temperament and relationships. These are the thoughts in our lives and can cause us to quit or perform.

Most thoughts churn up the past, handcuff the present, and cloud the future. They appear without notice. Living a life of least disturbance and discovering a less affected life.

Enroll and discover the life of dancing in the rain – with no limit and condition.


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