The true tree is not visible, what is visible is just an apparent tree. The true tree is hidden in the earth. The roots of a tree are the true tree. When we fail to take care of the roots the visible tree will be invisible in no time. Whatever we do or however we show our care and love to the tree is of no use, unless we take care of roots. A tree’s roots are in the earth and from which it gets all the surviving energy. When we take care of the roots, the tree will take care of itself. What is visible as a tree, flowers, fruits, buds, twigs and so on…or the beauty of a tree comes from the root. If roots are the important part of a tree, what is the most important part in our lives – may be brain, heart, lungs or something else is it not?

In our lives, we draw our survival energy from our roots. We are alive because of this, the day we cut from our roots we are dead – do not exist. Our roots are our values; if we fail to discover our roots then we never discover our true purpose of life.

In the present day context, we as individuals, families or organizations forgotten and disconnected from our roots - values.


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