Many thoughts; many thoughts of different nature makes the mind. Mind is the mind; whatever it is, it is it’s nature. What we do with the mind matters a most. Mind is like a restless child; want to know, enquire, experiment and so on. When a thought happens, it is our choice to accept it or deny it. Whatever we choose that will happen. Questioning the thought before accepting or resisting is important for a healthy living. When we do not question, the mind comes with it’s own story, picture and narration to prove it. It works hard to prove it’s story.
We are not available to question our thoughts; we believe them, trust them and because of that we suffer from them. The mind comes with it’s own stories and coloured pictures, which we accept without questioning. We need to learn to deal with our thoughts as though they were our children. The need is to sit with the mind that is agitated and disturbed.
When we question our thoughts and discover the truth of it, the mind can relax. Often we fight with people, get angry with them, get upset with them, we end-up arguing and expressing our displeasure. Truly, we need to be thankful in that situation. The situation is reminding us the need to be a kinder person, a relaxed person. The person in the situation is doing the best and we are doing our best.
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