- Family Values - 
Ramayana gives us an insight into family values. Understanding and living in interdependence ensures family harmony. In an ideal family environment parents assume the role of a mentor to their children. They treat children as their equal and equal opportunities for all. Children are encouraged to participate in decision making. Children accept elder’s decision and fulfill their vision.

Children are of four categories. The noblest one is who anticipates parents and elders desires and needs and acts to their full satisfaction without being told. The second category is action oriented, who obeys the commands of his parents and elders and never questions him. The third is one who acts only if he is told. He will raise questions and resentments, however, finally do what elders say. The fourth category is one who is not worth mentioning. They disobey, do exactly opposite of what is wanted and considered good and even harmful to the family.

Sri Rama was one who belonged to the first category. He anticipated what his father desired and acted cheerfully without being told. He was prepared for great consequences in the interest of family harmony. He never questioned the righteousness of his father's actions or his mother's actions. His was implicit acceptance.

The devotion and care with which the son looks after his parents is seen in the case of a character called Sravankumar. This boy used to carry both his crippled and blind parents on his shoulders and looked after them providing all their needs. Implicit devotion to the father's words is the main feature of the father- son relationship according to ancient wisdom. This continued till the son attained independent thinking after which the father treated him as an equal.

The Mother is worshiped daily and the son never goes against her wishes. He does not entertain any ill feeling towards her. For honoring the word his father gave to his mother, Sri Rama accepted to leave the throne, which he was to inherit the next morning. Thereby he fulfilled the wishes of his mother.

Lakshmana, Sri Rama's younger brother accepted his brother. When he displayed anger on certain occasions he finally accepted what Sri Rama said. He dropped his comforts of a luxurious living to accompany his brother to the jungle to give him protection and be of help. He undertook the responsibility of protecting Sita, Sri Rama's wife when she was threatened with danger. Lakshmana was always with Rama to do service to him and look after him.

Another brother Bharatha, who was to be made King according to the wishes of Sri Rama's mother, did not accept the throne, which he believed rightly, was due to Sri Rama. During Sri Rama's absence for fourteen years Bharatha was acting on his behalf and he worshiped Rama's footwear as symbolic of his presence.
Sita the wife of Sri Rama accepted a simple life of no comforts of the palace and gladly accompanied Sri Rama to the forest to share his joys and sorrows. She did not succumb to the persuasion of others. Her devotion and loyalty to her husband always remained as strong and as pure as ever. She underwent all hardships and they were nothing compared to the joy of being with her husband where ever he was. She never questioned Sri Rama when he took crucial decisions.

In a society governed by wisdom and heritage, family strife and disagreements were unknown. There was absolute peace and harmony though rare instances of evil forces influencing the course of events did occur.

The concern, space and time each member of the family had for others and the mutual regard and attitude of respect and acceptance provided the strength and stability of family life. Can we make an attempt to imbibe at least some of the values to the extent practicable so that family harmony is achieved in a better way than what it is today?

If we develop moral and ethical strength our family becomes strong. This in turn strengthens the society and the state. This can engulf the world so that even at a distant future we can have global harmony with less of conflicts.


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