To live successfully and realize the purpose of life, one has to learn. It is the art of learning that makes living meaningful. Values stands for collection of qualities of the mind in the presence of which, in a relative measure, learning can take place and become the learning mind. In the absence of values learning does not take place, no matter how adequate is the teacher or how authentic is the teaching. Learning, clarifying, assimilating and living values is an essential aspect of learning.

Between us and our vision, the mind exists. A prepared or learning mind alone can make us accomplish our vision and the purpose. If the learning mind is so important, then what prepares our mind or what makes the mind learn? Ability to make the mind learn lies with values; values alone can prepare the mind for knowledge. Values can be defined as a state of mind that reflects certain universal values and ethical attitudes. Only learning, clarifying, assimilating and living values help to prepare the mind. When the mind enjoys appropriate values knowledge takes place.

We, Anugraha Learning and Research Foundation come with a vision of living values. If you are ready to learn, clarify, assimilate and live values; we are committed to hand-hold in realizing the learning mind that can ensure meaningful Self-growth, Family excellence, Organizational intelligence and Social transformation. In this context we come with learning initiatives guided by values that can ensure assimilation of knowledge for greater good of all. As committed to your professional growth, equally we are committed to your overall transformation and hence you may choose following balanced learning initiatives exclusively developed for you.   

Living in balance: Discovering emotional maturity by managing stress, fear and anxiety.
Balanced parenting: Coming face to face with your parenting values
Discovering the balanced you: Discover your unlimited self-growth and personal effectiveness 
Balanced meditation: The right way to meditate and discover happiness  
Balanced childhood: We mentor your children from early childhood to 21 years and ensure rightful, peaceful and enlightening future.
Balanced married life: Pre and post marital mentoring to ensure successful marriage and lot more...

Above initiatives would fuel your professional growth beyond restrictions and limits. We hand-hold you to encounter your values face to face and empower you to correct them. The change happens for life and you discover a transformed you. 


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