meaning seeing things as they really are, it is not a faith or belief. Instead
it is the vision and the means to discover knowledge – knowledge of oneself. One
can know oneself only with one’s own eye of knowledge. Each one should, by his own effort pursue the path to his vision and
discover the purpose of living.
– the self-growth initiative has been created to discover the security, happiness and
fulfillment within us. It is a set of values that, if followed could help us to
live a life of purpose, fulfilment and success.
could be a vision and the way of life if one lives up to it. It puts
us on the right way with helpful resources by addressing our philosophical,
emotional and psychological needs.
is not a book, set of pep talk, motivational ideas or couple of written papers
with words beyond our understanding; it is we, just we and the way we are. It is a view of our
life and the way to live our life. It is an effort and an action plan to bring
about a metamorphosis in the way we think and perform. It is precisely a visionary mentor
who guides in to a world of our dreams. It is an adventure of our own making
that one can experience. In this adventure we discover many monuments and
characters known to us since long time; they inspire us all along in this
journey with their wisdom. We use them as an asset in the form of a flower; on
completion we can discover a bouquet full of different flowers of lively and
lovely nature. This self-growth initiative is full of different set of flowers that inspires
us to live a life that we were born for.
Sreyas - way of thinking, acting and introspecting that totally purifies the mind and prepares for self-growth unlimited.
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