At the very beginning Devadutta failed to accept that he can do certain things; when he came into Gurukula, he had many things in his mind that he can’t do. He thought he can’t even try do some things. Often he thought he is a failure and of no use, no importance and no worth.

After sometime he started trying new things like washing plates and glasses, washing his clothes, folding his bed sheets, respecting others etc… Slowly he overcame his fears of “I can’t do it”. He was pretty much scared of everything; not sure of himself; ridden by self-doubt, that is why he couldn't explore his abilities. But with time as he started knowing himself, he started exploring things. That was the beginning of his self-belief and now when he looks at himself in the mirror he can proudly say "I can do it”.

Just keep on reminding one thing to yourself 'never lose trust and always accept and know that you would be able to make through it no matter how hard it gets – it is true, you need to trust it and accept it.  


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