We create abundant success only when we are aligned with universal laws. These laws never fails, we may succeed or fail, depending on our alignment with these laws. Success do not fall at our feet, when we are aligned with these laws, we create success for us.
The learning mind is the key to all success; what we think, speak and do, we ultimately become. When we master our thoughts, words and deeds, we master our own destiny. Our fear, disappointment, tension, insecurity are self-created and self-imposed destructive forces brought about by our unhealthy practices of thinking, speaking and doing.
Eveil thoughts and right thoughts can’t occupy the same space at the same time - one or the other must dominate. What dominates decides the course of our lives; well being, success or failure. The mind is the key to the demonstration of health, happiness. love, inner peace....indeed the accomplishment of everything that makes our lives beautiful and purposeful.
We are totally responsible for whatever we are in our lives. If there are few likes and dislikes that are holding us back, we alone are responsible - not others or external circumstances. It is our response to life situations; what we think, speak or do that determines the success or failure in our life. It is our life and thus we must take charge of this life and not our likes and dislikes. Our destiny is in our own hands; if we are waiting for someone to come and handover the destiny then we receive only what he gives and not what is rightfully ours.
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