Early childhood education

It’s really inspiring to learn about early childhood education; that’s too values in early childhood. Where exploring is so valued and children don’t experience any formal instruction until the age of seven. Parents have to negotiate challenging trend that the pressure to teach academic subjects and skills that bring them marks to young children.

Over the years, our education system has been dominated by standards, marks and tests, by the gathering of endless amounts of data collected to prove that teachers are doing their job and kids are learning. But these hyper requirements have oppressed teachers and drained the creativity and joy from learning for students. Unfortunately, this misguided approach to education has now reached down to our youngest (00 to 07 years)

At home, in kindergartens and pre-K classrooms we’ve seen a dramatic change: A systematic environment that brings more and more instructions and information’s and less in experiments. There are fewer activity centers in classrooms and much less child centered, as well as less arts and music.  At the same time, teacher directed instruction has greatly increased, along with more scripted curriculum and paper and pencil tasks. This unfortunate change in early childhood education can be described as a shift away from child-centered classrooms to assessment-centered ones.

We come with an alternative; we invite all to explore the possibilities of “Home Schooling” or schooling with parents at least for first seven years. We introduce “Sandeepany” - a value learning module based on values for children passing through their early childhood.  


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