You can't forgive anyone till you want to forgive.

I want to forgive will not allow us to forgive. 

It comes back all the time and reminds that I have forgiven someone. 
So, I did something remains with us always and does not allow us to grow. 
This forgiveness in not there in our culture - it comes with double edge, first it makes me to see some problem then it makes me to feel I did something great. 
When the forgiven person repeats his mistake, my ego comes back to claim that I had forgiven once, how dare to make the same mistake second time. More than forgiving I want to to be recognized as a 'forgiver' - thus importance is given for the person who had forgiven and not to the process of forgiving. 

Therefore, no need to forgive anyone. 
One need to accept the other. When we accept there is no distance to keep this "I", it becomes one with the accepted. 
For example, when you see the ocean, you close your eyes and feel happy. In that situation you are a non-demanding, appreciative conscious being. Acceptance makes you a non-demanding person - a person without any agenda to change the other. 
You don't want the ocean to change, you are happy the way the ocean is, you accept the ocean as it is. After accepting the ocean you are in touch with happiness and not with the ego, that says "I did this and that". Therefore, let us not try to forgive someone, let us accept everyone - as the person is.


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